setting up e-mail for windows live


Dave Bahney

I just don't understand how to set up my windows live mail, for it asks me
for (pop 3) incoming and( smtp) for out going mail. What do I put there, can
someone walk me through it? Microsoft Windows Help info is very confusing.

Ms. Shepard

I am having the same problem, except that I am not setting up for windows
live. I keep getting a popup when I log in or want to send a message and it
won't let me.

Patrick Keenan

Dave Bahney said:
I just don't understand how to set up my windows live mail, for it asks me
for (pop 3) incoming and( smtp) for out going mail. What do I put there,
someone walk me through it? Microsoft Windows Help info is very confusing.

This has to be one of the most commonly answered questions here....

The information you use depends on the mail servers you want to use.

You can *not* make the entries up, and "POP" and "SMTP" are not valid server

You'll get the information from the people who provide your email services.
For example, your ISP.

Since you chose not to reveal who that is, there's no way to give an answer
that's any more specific.

Without that information, nobody can walk you through the steps.

But it's likely that your mail provider already has help pages on their site
that explain the steps in detail.

That said, not all mail clients can connect with all types of email systems.
Windows Mail, for example, can't communicate directly with free US Yahoo


Patrick Keenan

Ms. Shepard said:
I am having the same problem, except that I am not setting up for windows

And your mail provider is....?

This is rather relevant information.
I keep getting a popup when I log in or want to send a message and it
won't let me.

And the popup says....?

Dave Bahney

Patrick Keenan said:
This has to be one of the most commonly answered questions here....

The information you use depends on the mail servers you want to use.

You can *not* make the entries up, and "POP" and "SMTP" are not valid server

You'll get the information from the people who provide your email services.
For example, your ISP.

Since you chose not to reveal who that is, there's no way to give an answer
that's any more specific.

Without that information, nobody can walk you through the steps.

But it's likely that your mail provider already has help pages on their site
that explain the steps in detail.

That said, not all mail clients can connect with all types of email systems.
Windows Mail, for example, can't communicate directly with free US Yahoo


I am using but still will not work, keep getting messages of improper set-up. I set it up like (e-mail address removed) for incoming & (e-mail address removed) for outgoing and it still won't work

PA Bear [MS MVP]

Assuming you're referring to accessing your Windows Live *Hot*mail account
in Windows Mail, see the Configuration Settings section here:!F92775FC46A390CA!422.entry

Otherwise, you'll find support for Windows Live *Mail* (mail client) in this
public newsgroup:

Via the web-interface:

Via your newsreader:

Patrick Keenan

Sure wouldn't, since those server names are just made up.

You have to use the real name of an existing server, which you get from your

AOL doesn't offer POP mail, it has IMAP. You set up for an IMAP mail
account in Windows Mail, not POP.

Mr. VanderMolen has provided the link for setup, which again is:

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