Setting up DNS for a WAN



-Remote locations, ADSL or CABLE with a watchgaurd SOHO

-Head Office - Firebox with a ADSL Business line.

- We have a WAN setup. right now the remote locations do not have internet
access, just Intranet access. Is there a way to only allow the remote
locations to have access to certain websites. We tried with a DNS server, and
pointing the remote locations to the DNS server here at head office, and it
works for some sites. But other sites that redirect. like if
you pick playstation it will go to, which then does not
load up. So do get those ones to work we would have to type in all the
variables of the websites. Plus another one like Mapquest. It loads the site
up fine, but we cannot view the maps. So any help would be great. Thanks.

Ace Fekay [MVP]

Ray said:
-Remote locations, ADSL or CABLE with a watchgaurd SOHO

-Head Office - Firebox with a ADSL Business line.

- We have a WAN setup. right now the remote locations do not have
internet access, just Intranet access. Is there a way to only allow
the remote locations to have access to certain websites. We tried
with a DNS server, and pointing the remote locations to the DNS
server here at head office, and it works for some sites. But other
sites that redirect. like if you pick playstation it
will go to, which then does not load up. So do get
those ones to work we would have to type in all the variables of the
websites. Plus another one like Mapquest. It loads the site up fine,
but we cannot view the maps. So any help would be great. Thanks.

Sounds like you'll need a Proxy or ISA server (there are many types of
software or hardware appliances out there) to handle this function. I think
Watchguard has an add-on for your Firebox too, but check with them to make
sure. To do it with DNS has too much administrative overhead to deal with
it, as you've experienced.


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Ace Fekay, MCSE 2003 & 2000, MCSA 2003 & 2000, MCSE+I, MCT, MVP
Microsoft Windows MVP - Windows Server - Directory Services

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