Setting up Code for a userform



Help Please!

I have developed my first userform for data entry into and Exce
I have check the Excel Tips website and found the basic codes fo

My question is when I'm listing the Text boxes and checkboxes and comb
boxes in the code should I list all of the textboxes together then th
checkboxes or do I need to keep them in the order of data entry.

Any Help will be appreicated.
Thanks in Advance

Harald Staff


If I understand your question right, the order is indifferent. If there is
any logic or order to you, use that. Important thing is that when you're
maintaining this a couple of years from now, you can read and understand the
code even when you've forgotten everything you thought way back when you
created it.

HTH. Best wishes Harald



Thank You Harald,

I was hoping that the order isn't that important I think it will easie
if I group all the text box together, and then all the check boxes an
so on.

I not sure I can read and understand it now, I'm hoping I will kno
enough in a few years to look back and laugh at this attempt.

Thanks again.

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