Setting the default value in a dataset



I have a datagrid with a datetimepicker column in it, which is bound to a dataset (MyDataset). The column in the dataset set that is mapped to the datetimepicker is called MyOrderDate and contains null values.

I have tried to following
to set the null values to 01/01/1900, as it doesn't accept nulls

The above command appears after filling the dataset with the schema like s
MySqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(strquery, Mycon
MyDataSet = New DataSe
MySqlDataAdapter.FillSchema(MyDataSet, SchemaType.Source, strTable
Mydataset.Tables!MyTable.Columns(MyOrderDate).DefaultValue = New DateTime(1900, 1, 1

MySqlDataAdapter.Fill(MyDataSet, strTable

When I check the values in the dataset for the rows that have have underlying null values the dataset has values o
system.dbNull despite the default setting above

Any ideas why this is happening


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