Setting Profile properties for not logged in users



I create a user using Membership.CreateUser

Now I want to set a profile property for that user - of course they are not
logged in, so the profile is of the current user (the administator).

How do I change a profile setting for a user who is not logged in?

A related question. How can I change the logged in user programmatically?



Wouter van Vugt

Hi Iain,

you'll have to enable anonymous identification and mark profile
properties in a special way. The following web.config file shows how to
do this:

<anonymousIdentification enabled="true"/>
<add name="MyProperty" type="String" allowAnonymous="true"/>

You can change who is logged in using the FormsAuthentication class for
instance. You'll have to log out the current user first I think.

Grtz, Wouter
Trainer - Info Support -


Hi Iain,

you'll have to enable anonymous identification and mark profile
properties in a special way. The following web.config file shows how to
do this:

<anonymousIdentification enabled="true"/>
<add name="MyProperty" type="String" allowAnonymous="true"/>

You can change who is logged in using the FormsAuthentication class for
instance. You'll have to log out the current user first I think.

Thanks for your response.

I am not using anonymous, my users must be authorised!

And I must say I coudl not see how to login a different user
FormsAuthentication class (I can SIgnOUt, but I can't see how to sign in
programatically - or is that just done mby call SetAuthCookie?)

THanks again



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