Setting print range with macro



I am trying to clear a sheet of all print range and page breaks...then set
the print range and tell it where to page break both vertical & horizontal.
Can someone please give me basic code for setting the print range and
adjusting the page breaks. Print range: A1:Q154 and the page break must be
set to row 96. 1page wide by 2 pages tall. Thanks in advance!

Tom Ogilvy

if you set it to print 1 page wide by 2 pages tall, your pagebreak will be
ignored (unless that just happens to be where it would calculate the

activesheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = range("A1:Q154").Address(True,True,,True)

You can get the rest by doing pagesetup with the macro recorder turned on.
In looking at the recorded code, you only want to execute settings you
actually need.


Thanks Tom,
I got something to work by looking at the question what
do I put in so that the user can't see it jump to the sheet and do all the
page there a way to have it just sit at the front sheet while it
is doing it's work in the background?...Thanks again.

Tom Ogilvy

With Worksheets("Sheet3").PageSetup

End With

rather than

With Activesheet.PageSetup

and take out any activate or select commands


Thanks much! Works.

Tom Ogilvy said:
With Worksheets("Sheet3").PageSetup

End With

rather than

With Activesheet.PageSetup

and take out any activate or select commands

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