setting Outlook as default mail prog when clicking mailto in web



I wish to set Outlook2003 to open as my default email program when clicking
on one of those 'Contact Us' buttons on a web page. At the moment, my web
browser Mozilla Suite opens it's email program.

I have removed the tick from Mozilla Suite 'Use Mozilla as default email
program', but this has not helped.

I have Outlook 2003 set as my default mail program in Windows Set Program
Access and Defaults.

Any help please..I value your time and energy in answering my question : )


julienfamilyman said:
I wish to set Outlook2003 to open as my default email program when
clicking on one of those 'Contact Us' buttons on a web page. At the
moment, my web browser Mozilla Suite opens it's email program.

I have removed the tick from Mozilla Suite 'Use Mozilla as default
email program', but this has not helped.

I have Outlook 2003 set as my default mail program in Windows Set
Program Access and Defaults.

Any help please..I value your time and energy in answering my
question : )

please try this,

START > RUN > regedit > OK
please navigate to the following key
There please insert Microsoft Outlook as Standard


Thanks so much for a quick reply..I haven't used this forum before so I am
pleasently surprised.

I have opened regedit>HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > and scroll down to SOFTWARE and
click on the + to open SOFTWARE.

I can see here navigate to Mail, and when I click on the + I see Hotmail,
Microsoft, Mozilla, OutlookExpress, Yahoo! Mail.

When I then click on 'Mail' I can read "(default) REG_SZ Microsoft
Outlook" and I can also see underneath on the next line down - "PrFirstRun
REG_SZ Either there is no default mail client or the current mail client
cannot fulfill the messaging requirements, please run Microsoft Office
Outlook and set it as the default mail client"

Andeas, when you say "There please insert Microsoft Outlook as Standard"
could you please explain in more detail the exact stages I have to underatke
to make this change you suggest [and can I reverse this change just by
retyping in the original guessed it - I haven't done this type of
computer work before so it is new ground ; )


julienfamilyman said:
Thanks so much for a quick reply..I haven't used this forum before
so I am pleasently surprised.

I have opened regedit>HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > and scroll down to
SOFTWARE and click on the + to open SOFTWARE.

I can see here navigate to Mail, and when I click on the + I see
Hotmail, Microsoft, Mozilla, OutlookExpress, Yahoo! Mail.

When I then click on 'Mail' I can read "(default) REG_SZ Microsoft
Outlook" and I can also see underneath on the next line down -
"PrFirstRun REG_SZ Either there is no default mail client or the
current mail client cannot fulfill the messaging requirements, please
run Microsoft Office Outlook and set it as the default mail client"

Andeas, when you say "There please insert Microsoft Outlook as
Standard" could you please explain in more detail the exact stages I
have to underatke to make this change you suggest [and can I reverse
this change just by retyping in the original guessed it -
I haven't done this type of computer work before so it is new ground

sorry for short answered.
Close all Mail Clients
you have to doubleclick on the Standard Name in the registry (you have
found before)
Then it open a new box. Please insert Microsoft Outlook in there.
You can ever make changes there.
After you insert it, press ok and exit the registry.

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