Windows XP Setting IE6 to Run in Kiosk Mode


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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Kiosk mode means setting the browser window to full screen view with just a scroll bar for navigation. To provide additional controls, such as access to the Back, Forward, or Refresh buttons, you can set Internet Explorer 6 in partial kiosk mode, which includes a smaller toolbar at the top of the browser window. To add a Full Screen button to this toolbar, so that you can move easily from full screen view to the standard browser window, do this:

1. Right-click the toolbar at the top of the browser window, and then click Customize.
2. In the Customize Toolbar dialog box, click Full Screen under Available toolbar buttons, click Add, and then click Close.

To hide the toolbar at the top of the window entirely, do this:

1. When in full screen mode, right-click the toolbar.
2. Click Auto-Hide.

Now you can view Web pages at full size without any controls getting in the way. When you want to view the toolbar again, move the pointer over the top of the Web page. If you don’t want to add a Full Screen button to the toolbar, you can also toggle between full screen and the standard view by pressing F11.

Enjoy! :D
you can also do the same in ie5, but I miss the cluttered look when I do it......

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