Setting html as default for all outgoing e-mails



I'm a new user of Outlook and I have it configured to send messages as HTML,
however if I want to send a picture from my pictures folder and click E-mail
this file, the message format defaults to plain text. Is it possible to have
all outgoing e-mails as HTML or will I always have to manually select the


Have you set the default setting for your message format as HTML? If not, go
to "Tools", then "Options". Go to "Mail Format" tab and check that the
"compose in this message format" is "HTML" and not "Plain text".


Yes, the default setting is for HTML. I have tried all the settings on the
options menu that have anything to do with formatting but without success.
I'm wondering if I would have to alter something in the registry to change
the settings for e-mails started from outside Outlook?

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