Setting Default of Checkbox based on value of combobox



I have a combobox that is a drop-down menu on one userform. Anothe
userform on the sheet is made up only of checkboxes. I want the defaul
for one of the checkboxes to be determined by the combobox. If on
option, "RCP", is selected, I want the checkbox default to be true. I
any of the other options are selected for the combobox, I want th
default to be false. Here's the code I was using:

Range("h17").Select 'H17 is where the combobox results ar
If ActiveCell.Value = rcp Then
cbx3099 = True
Else: cbx3099 = False
End If

I have this in the initialize sub for the checkbox userform. I trie
putting RCP in quotes, but it made no difference.



When you lose your mind, you free your life.

Lost! said:
I have a combobox that is a drop-down menu on one userform. Another
userform on the sheet is made up only of checkboxes. I want the default
for one of the checkboxes to be determined by the combobox. If one
option, "RCP", is selected, I want the checkbox default to be true. If
any of the other options are selected for the combobox, I want the
default to be false. Here's the code I was using:

Range("h17").Select 'H17 is where the combobox results are
If ActiveCell.Value = rcp Then
cbx3099 = True
Else: cbx3099 = False
End If

I have this in the initialize sub for the checkbox userform. I tried
putting RCP in quotes, but it made no difference.


A couple of points, FIrst where is this code at? is it in a Regular module
or in an object module? (Sheet1 Sheet2 ThisWorkbook, etc...)

If in a regular Module you must tell VBA where to find the check box

also capitolize rcp

use the following

Range("h17").Select 'H17 is where the combobox results are displayed
If ActiveCell.Value = "RCP" Then
sheet1.cbx3099 = True
Else: sheet1.cbx3099 = False
End If

if the checkbox is on a different sheet use the correct sheet number for

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