Setting cell tabulations( ranges) in excell



I would like to set a ranage for tabulation; the row starts with "Week day
and ends with END". You can automatically tab from WEEK day to END but to
speed things up I want the tab to go to the next row once it reaches" End".
instead of going to the next empty cell on the same row.

How can I set a tabulation range?

Week Day Date Shift Start Lunch In Lunch Out Shift End

Wednesday 18-Aug-04
Thursday 19-Aug-04

Dave Peterson

If you select your cells (say B2:H999) first, you can tab between the cells in
the selection.

Gord Dibben

TAB your way across. When you get to End cell, enter your data then hit the
<ENTER> key to return to first column one row down.

Make sure Tools>Options>Edit "move selection after enter" is set to "down".

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

On Sun, 19 Sep 2004 16:45:01 -0700, dizzy kay <dizzy

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