Setting Bound Grid Column Width


Tim Nelson

I thought there should be simple way of setting the column width in the
a DataGrid. I've set up a table style (properties tab) that lengthen the
but I can't seem to bind this table style to the grid (or it's columns I
guess). No
matter what I do the grid keeps a standard column size for each column.
Can anyone throw me a bone here?

William Ryan eMVP

It's probably the columnmappings. Are you adding the TableStyle and
ColumnStyle before you bind or after: Try this....


Const ng As String = "NOT GIVEN"

Dim tsMain As New DataGridTableStyle

tsMain.MappingName = AllData.Tbl_Job_Tracking.TableName

'Work Type Column

Dim csWorkType As DataGridTextBoxColumn = New DataGridTextBoxColumn

csWorkType.MappingName = AllData.Tbl_Job_Tracking.Columns(0).ColumnName

csWorkType.HeaderText = "Work Type"

csWorkType.Width = 70


'Job Number Column

Dim csJobNumber As New DataGridTextBoxColumn

csJobNumber.MappingName = AllData.Tbl_Job_Tracking.Columns(1).ColumnName

csJobNumber.HeaderText = "Job #"

csJobNumber.Width = 65

csJobNumber.NullText = ng





Tim Nelson

Thanks for the reply. I thought I could do this at design time and wouldn't
need to resort to my own code to do this. I basically have two fields
from a table one 40 characters and one 10 characters. I just want to
column that holds the 40 character to be lengthened so it displays
the whole value. I will try what you said. Thanks.

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