SetScrollInfo() and ScrollWindowEx() help.



I have a custom control based on RichTextBox. I want to be able to scroll the text box automatically from inside the code. It seems that the scroll bar scroll like i tell it to, but the window seems to only update a certain part of the text and leaves part of it like it was before. can anyone tell me if i am passing a wrong variable somewhere or what i am doing wrong (or not doing) I try to call Invalidate() and Refresh() but it just paints the text box like it was before scrolling

thanks for your help


private struct SCROLLBARINFO

public int cbSize
public UInt32 fMask
public Int32 nMin
public Int32 nMax
public UInt32 nPage
public Int32 nPos
public Int32 nTrackPos

private static extern bool GetScrollInfo(
IntPtr hwnd
int fnBar

private static extern int SetScrollInfo(
IntPtr hwnd
int fnBar
bool fRedraw)

private static extern int ScrollWindowEx
IntPtr hWnd
int dx
int dy
Rectangle prcScroll
Rectangle prcClip
IntPtr hrgnUpdate
ref Rectangle prcUpdate
UInt32 flags)

private static extern bool UpdateWindow
IntPtr hWnd)


sInfo.fMask = (0x1 | 0x2 | 0x4)
sInfo.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(sInfo);

GetScrollInfo(this.Handle, 0x1, ref sInfo)

pos = sInfo.nMax - sInfo.nPag

sInfo.nPos = Convert.ToInt32(pos)
sInfo.fMask = SIF_POS
sInfo.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(sInfo)

SetScrollInfo(this.Handle, 0x1, ref sInfo, true)

Rectangle rect = new Rectangle()
Rectangle rect2 = new Rectangle()

rect = this.ClientRectangle

ScrollWindowEx(this.Handle, 0, sInfo.nPos, Rectangle.Empty, rect, this.Handle, ref rect2, 0x2)

//RedrawWindow(this.Handle, rect, IntPtr.Zero, 0x1 | 0x4); ??
//UpdateWindow(this.Handle); ??

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