SetFocus for a TabControl



I have a form (frmLSIR) with a command button. I want the command button to
open a form (frmAllInfo) for the primary key (SILSID) on frmLSI but to also
focus on a particular page on a tab control. Then I want to close frmLSIR

I have taught myself Access, so bare with me.

Here's what I have so far:

Private Sub cmdCloseLSIR_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdCloseLSIR_Click

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmAllInfo", acNormal, "",
"SILSID=Forms!frmLSIR!SILSID", , acNormal

DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmLSIR"

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdCloseLSIR_Click
End Sub

This works well. What I want is to add is this: tell Access to focus on the
tab control (tbFileInfo) page (pgAssessment). And I haven't been able to get
it to happen working with the code I already have.

Thank you

Nicholas Scarpinato

The line you're looking for is:


Nicholas Scarpinato

Err... that should be:


It needs the quotes when you're dealing with the page names. If you use the
index numbers of the pages, the first tab is page 0. To focus on the second
tab looks like this:


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