set user permission to save only in My documents



How can I set permissions for a user to save only
in a folder (My documents or another folder)?
I know in WindowsNT is you set the permission of
the entire drive for the user to read and let full control only to
my documents, certain applications like Microsoft Office don't work
because they save some user settings in other folders.
Thank you


vmarian said:
How can I set permissions for a user to save only
in a folder (My documents or another folder)?
I know in WindowsNT is you set the permission of
the entire drive for the user to read and let full control only to
my documents, certain applications like Microsoft Office don't work
because they save some user settings in other folders.
Thank you

You probably do not need an internet cache as high as it is...

might as well reduce it to 400 megs or so

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