Set up schedual


Derek Davis

Can anybody advise me on a problem that I am having when setting up a
schedualed task. I need to run a batch file every 5 mins. I have set up as
per, but I get a message "could not start". I cant even force the file to
run. If I run the batch file manually all is ok so I know that the file is

Has anyone had the same problem and know the fix for it ?


Ray at

What are the contents of the batch file? And under what account is the task
running? System account? User account?

Ray at work

Derek Davis

The batch file is a ping command which is used for keeping the vpn tunnel
alive. I am the administrator and am using that account and have set a
password. This is different from my logon password. I hope this helps.


Ray at

What are the contents of the batch file?

Anything in the scheduled jobs log?

Ray at work

Derek Davis

The contents of the batch file are of no importance to you, and do not
relate to the function of the schedual.
the only info I can tell you is the log stats "could not start"


Pegasus \(MVP\)

Derek Davis said:
The contents of the batch file are of no importance to you, and do not
relate to the function of the schedual.
the only info I can tell you is the log stats "could not start"

Sounds like out of a James Bond movie: Ray gets his information
on a "need to know" basis, but no more . . .

Create a batch file c:\test.bat as below, invoke it with the Task
Scheduler, examine the log files and takes things from there.

@echo off
echo %date% %time% Start of task > c:\test.log
echo User=%UserName%, Path=%path% >> c:\test.log
c:\winnt\system32\ping.exe some.ip.add.ress 1>>c:\test.log 2>>c:\test.err
echo %date% %time% End of task >> c:\test.log

Ray at

Derek Davis said:
The contents of the batch file are of no importance to you, and do not
relate to the function of the schedual.

This thread is of no importance to me anymore either. And it's schedule,
not schedual.

Ray at work

Derek Davis

May I suggest that if you can't be of any help to you stop wasting my time.
I posed a question if you are unable to assist stop responding to me.

Derek Davis

Hush hush MI5 could be watching now that Bush is here. Only Kidding. Yes I
have tried

Derek Davis

OK will try again. I don't know if Ray was a agent for Blofeld, you cant be
too careful now Bush is here.

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