Set up reminder




I have a "rpt_compdt" field in the database for 'Report Complete Date'.
Every person has different dates to complete their reports. How can I set up
a reminders starts from 5 days before the complete date? I want to do this so
that when every person responsible for the tasks get reminders on their
screen when they opne outlook. How can I link outlook with that database Date
field so that when a person open up his/her outlook reminder window pops up
on their screen?

I would appreciate your help on this. This would be great help.



Hi Anna,

Here is a KB article that you might find helpful:

ACC2000: How to Use Automation to Add Appointments to Microsoft Outlook

Although this article indicates "ACC2000" in the title, it should work
equally well for Access 2002 or 2003. For Access 2002, you'll need to select
the Microsoft Outlook 10.0 Object Library in step 9, and for 2003 the
Microsoft Outlook 11.0 Object Library. You can even convert a working
procedure to use late binding, which means no checked reference to an Outlook
Object Library would be required.

My suggestion is to try the article as written, however, you'll likely need
to modify it for your situation. For example, you could run a procedure at
startup that would query each person's reports due, add the appointment to
their calendar, and then mark the record (yes/no datatype flag) so that it
wouldn't get added more than one time. I think this will work, but it might
require that each user have Outlook running at the time. In addition, the
startup code that I mentioned would reside in the front-end (FE) of a split
application. The FE would be installed on each user's local hard drive, to
help avoid any conflicts.




I have a "rpt_compdt" field in the database for 'Report Complete Date'.
Every person has different dates to complete their reports. How can I set up
a reminders starts from 5 days before the complete date? I want to do this so
that when every person responsible for the tasks get reminders on their
screen when they opne outlook. How can I link outlook with that database Date
field so that when a person open up his/her outlook reminder window pops up
on their screen?

I would appreciate your help on this. This would be great help.



Hi Tom,

I tried the way its there on the link you sent. Yeah that works great if you
have to enter new appt etc to meslef. I am basically looking for:

Like.. in my MS access database I have a field due_date, status. And I want
to generate a reminder message automatically in outlook to everybody OR email
automatically and like starting 5 days prior to the due_date. (We do have a
analyst name field in the database.). And it should remind everyday the
projects which are due, first thing in the morning when one opens up his/her
outlook, untill its done (untill status field='complete'). Everybody has
different dates for different projects therefore its housl send reminder to
everyone in the emplyee field for whom projects are still due?

I would appreicate your help.



Hi Anna,

The KB article that I recommended would be suitable as a starting point to
allow each user to "pull" their required appointments into their Outlook
calendar. This would require a split design, where each user has their own
copy of the front-end installed on their local hard drive.

It sounds like you want to "push" notifications from one PC (yours?) to all
other users. Is this correct? If so, then try automating Outlook to send
e-mail notifications to each person. It may be possible to write code that
can access other user's calendars, but I don't know how to do that. I'm not
positive, but I have a vague recollection of reading a post by an Access MVP
on this topic within the past month or so.

So, to go with e-mailing the people automatically, you need to break this
task into manageable subtasks. First work on designing a query that returns
the applicable records. You will likely want to use a date criteria that
includes your system date and the due date. Does the due date include a time
component? The query's records should include either an e-mail address, or
an alias that Outlook can resolve into an e-mail address.

Then, you'll need to write a procedure (ie. a subroutine or a function) to
open a recordset against this query and process each record until you reach
the end (EOF). You can use DoCmd.SendObject to accomplish this as one method
(there are other methods as well). The ObjectType and ObjectName arguments
are optional, if you don't want to include an attached object. Look up
DoCmd.SendObject in VBA Help. An easy way to do this is to create a new
procedure, say Sub Foo:

Sub Foo
End Sub

Then highlight DoCmd.SendObject with your mouse and press the F1 key.

Here is an example of using DoCmd.SendObject for sending the results of a
query as an attached Excel spreadsheet, where strTo, strCC, strBCC and
strSubject are all string variables that you have declared and assigned
values to first:

DoCmd.SendObject acQuery, "qryManufacturers", _
OutputFormat:=acFormatXLS, _
To:=strTo, CC:=strCC, BCC:=strBCC, _
Subject:=strSubject, EditMessage:=True

and here is a simplier example, if you don't need to include an attached

DoCmd.SendObject _
To:=strTo, CC:=strCC, BCC:=strBCC, _
Subject:=strSubject, EditMessage:=True

How familiar are you with VBA code? Do you know how to open a recordset and
take some action for each record in the recordset? If not, than this is
another subtask that you need to learn.

I hope this helps some!



Hi Tom,

I tried the way its there on the link you sent. Yeah that works great if you
have to enter new appt etc to meslef. I am basically looking for:

Like.. in my MS access database I have a field due_date, status. And I want
to generate a reminder message automatically in outlook to everybody OR email
automatically and like starting 5 days prior to the due_date. (We do have a
analyst name field in the database.). And it should remind everyday the
projects which are due, first thing in the morning when one opens up his/her
outlook, untill its done (untill status field='complete'). Everybody has
different dates for different projects therefore its housl send reminder to
everyone in the emplyee field for whom projects are still due?

I would appreicate your help.



Hi Anna,

Here is a KB article that you might find helpful:

ACC2000: How to Use Automation to Add Appointments to Microsoft Outlook

Although this article indicates "ACC2000" in the title, it should work
equally well for Access 2002 or 2003. For Access 2002, you'll need to select
the Microsoft Outlook 10.0 Object Library in step 9, and for 2003 the
Microsoft Outlook 11.0 Object Library. You can even convert a working
procedure to use late binding, which means no checked reference to an Outlook
Object Library would be required.

My suggestion is to try the article as written, however, you'll likely need
to modify it for your situation. For example, you could run a procedure at
startup that would query each person's reports due, add the appointment to
their calendar, and then mark the record (yes/no datatype flag) so that it
wouldn't get added more than one time. I think this will work, but it might
require that each user have Outlook running at the time. In addition, the
startup code that I mentioned would reside in the front-end (FE) of a split
application. The FE would be installed on each user's local hard drive, to
help avoid any conflicts.




I have a "rpt_compdt" field in the database for 'Report Complete Date'.
Every person has different dates to complete their reports. How can I set up
a reminders starts from 5 days before the complete date? I want to do this so
that when every person responsible for the tasks get reminders on their
screen when they opne outlook. How can I link outlook with that database Date
field so that when a person open up his/her outlook reminder window pops up
on their screen?

I would appreciate your help on this. This would be great help.


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