set page widths in frontpage



I have a problem with my web site. Any time that you open up the page full
size it is fine. Then if you view it when page is minimized it does not hold
the parameters of the page and a horizonal scroll button shows up at the
bottom. I have set my table widths and heights. I had no problem with this
until recent. I need it so that when you minimize the page it will stay the
same as it was and so that you have to scroll through the page. vertical
scrolling I don't care about, it's the horizonal that I do. Any help would be
appreciated. Hope I conveyed my thoughts correctly. Web site is
Thank you

Kevin Spencer

We need to clarify some terms here. You don't open a page. You open a
browser. You load a page into the browser, or request it. A browser is a
window. A page is a document. You can't minimize a page. You can minimize a
window. When you minimize a window, it disappears from the desktop, and can
only be "seen" in the task bar. Therefore, the statement "it does not hold
the parameters of the page" makes no sense. What is "it?" What are "the
parameters of the page?" If the window is minimized, how can anything "show
up at the bottom?" The bottom of what?

Here's a tip for asking questions: If you don't know the correct term for
something, describe it. Making up a term doesn't define the term you make
up, and it communicates nothing. On the other hand, if you describe it fully
enough, it doesn't matter what term you use.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Neither a follower nor a lender be.


well lets see u understood that I meant browser and minimize I meant when
your maximized you hit the restore down button(couldn't figure that one out).
Parameters of page, sorry parameters of window is the height and width.
Others were able to be helpful instead of sounding like a pompous ass.

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