Set initial filename before saving



When a new workbook is created from a template the proposed (initial)
filename when saving the workbook is the "template name".xls. I would like
to have this proposed name (initial name) to be equal to cell content. Would
you please help me with the coding.

Here is what I have so far:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
' How do I run a macro every time a certain cell changes its value?
' Event called Worksheet_Change which is triggered when a
' value is entered (it will not fire when a formula result changes).

' If Intersect(Target, Range("A2")) Is Nothing Then
' Exit Sub
' Else
' Call Set_InitialFname
' End If

End Sub

Sub Set_InitialFname()
' Propose a preset file name when the user will save the file
' Set the initial file name before saving
? =Range("A2").Value & ".xls"

End Sub


I think what you're looking for looks something like the following:

Sub Set_InitialFname()
' Propose a preset file name when the user will save the file
' Set the initial file name before saving
Dim initialname as String

initialname = Range("A2").Value & ".xls"

End Sub

You can then use 'initialname' in a variety of ways further along in your sub.


Thanks StumpedAgain. But it doesn't work! I've typed "Allo" in Cell A2 (so
the sub is then executed) and it doesn't change the default filename when I
click on Save or SaveAs. In the SaveAs window the Filename by default is
still the Template Name.


I apologize I misunderstood your question. The following is the only way in
which I know to save using a cell reference:

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:\Documents and Settings\username\My
Documents\" & A2 & ".xls"

I am not aware of any way to change the default saveas name. Good luck!

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