Set focus



how do i set focus on a text box, and keep the set focus on that particular
text box until user enters the correct data. for example i have a text box
that i want the user to only enter letters (no numbers). i want a message
displayed if numerics are entered and for focus to remain until correct data


On the OnKeyDown Property of the field you can enter the code
Private Sub FieldName_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode >= 48 And KeyCode <= 57 Then
MsgBox "Can't enter numbers"
KeyCode = 0
End If
End Sub
'So the user wont have the ability to insert numbers

Jeff Boyce


How do you feel when an application you're using tells you that you didn't
enter something correctly?

How would you feel if an application gave you only correct choices?

If you provide a bit more description of what kind of data will be entered,
the 'group readers may be able to offer a more user-friendly solution...


Jeff Boyce
<Office/Access MVP>


thanks for the assistance. Its a text box that accepts a person's name. i
therefore do not want any numbers; only letters. furthermore i want the focus
to remain in the text box until the coreect datat is enterd.


Too much validation for my liking.
derrick said:
thanks for the assistance. Its a text box that accepts a person's name. i
therefore do not want any numbers; only letters. furthermore i want the focus
to remain in the text box until the coreect datat is enterd.

Jeff Boyce


Are the names "known"? That is, are you having the user look for persons
already in your database? If so, another approach would be to give the user
a list of the people who ARE in the database, so they can select the correct
one, rather than have to enter the name correctly.


Jeff Boyce
<Office/Access MVP>

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