Set default print preview and Print settings for a Query or Report



How do I set a default print preview and Print settings for a individual
Query or Report.

For instance, I have a specific query. When I click on print preview, I
would like to have the print preview automatically show the query in
"Landscape" 8.5 by 14 and be able to print it from there. I can do this
through page setup, but I have to go through the proceedure each time I open
the query. The print preview of the Query always opens in "Portrait" 8.5 by
11 and does not show all the fields.

Please Help,

Allen Browne

Open the report in design view.
From the File menu, choose Page Setup.
Choose the orientation and paper size there.
Save the report.

Note that if your default printer does not support this size paper, you will
also need to specify a "Particular Printer" in that dialog, or the settings
may not stick.

If they still do not stick, then you have stuck this bug with Name



Thank you for your help. Your proceedure works great on a report.
I was wondering if there was a similar proceedure that would work on a Query.
When I apply the same technique to a Query, save and close the Query, and
reopen it, it reverts to portrait 8.5 by 11.

Do you have any suggestions?

Thanks again,

Allen Browne

No. Unlike reports, queries just display data. They are not designed to have
the power of reports, so they just use the default printer's paper size and

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