set default for picture size when using print screen



I use Power Point quite a bit and Have a problem with capturing the image and
attaching it to a power point file. when I paste it, it becomes humongously
large and I constantly have to resize it. Is there a way to change the
default to shrink it from 100% to 70% when the CTRL & Print Screen command is



Ute Simon

I use Power Point quite a bit and Have a problem with capturing the image
attaching it to a power point file. when I paste it, it becomes
large and I constantly have to resize it. Is there a way to change the
default to shrink it from 100% to 70% when the CTRL & Print Screen command

If you have to make a lot of screenshots, I would recommend not using the
PrintScreen command, but to buy a screenshot tool like SnagIt, . You can automatically save the screenshots to a folder
and then use its editor to batch convert all the images to 70 % size.

Best regards,

Steve Rindsberg

I use Power Point quite a bit and Have a problem with capturing the image and
attaching it to a power point file. when I paste it, it becomes humongously
large and I constantly have to resize it. Is there a way to change the
default to shrink it from 100% to 70% when the CTRL & Print Screen command is

In addition to the other suggestions:

TIP: Resize images to fit the slide

This uses a free add-in that also has other handy features.

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