Set association file? For email



Hey there, When I receive certain emails with attatchments its telling me I
cannot open them and I need to set the association file? I did try looking
there, but have no clue where to go and what to change and didnmt want to
change anything just incase I did something wrong,
Other than that I have no darams with my emails.


Thankyou so much, Im obviously dumber than I thought LOL
I had no problems opening anything with my old computer, This is a new PC
and the new Vista, am Im too scared to touch anything, It is the best thing I
have ever bought, Im scared to actually use it lol
Thanks again :)

Cal Bear '66

You are welcome.

NO you are not dumb at all -- many others have had the exact same problem.
There is much to learn with Vista -- many things have changed. But isn't learning
new things fun?

Don't be afraid to use your new computer. As long as you don't make any
uninformed system settings changes, you most likely will not harm anything.

Installing some old programs can cause severe problems, but research before
you install new programs to see if they are Vista compatible, and as an extra
safety net create a System Restore Point before you install anything.

There are several very capable, knowledgeable, and nice people in this and the
other Vista newsgroups that are very happy to help you.

Have fun and enjoy!


Thankyou, I did it, and would you believe I deleted the email lol so iw ill
have to wait til I get another one to see if it works lol
Thankyou both for your time :)

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