


Hi every one I need help with session ids
I want keep track of my users online who are ordering, I want to use session id to assign them unique ids now when I use cookie less sessions ids I get something like this
My question is how I can change this to a format like this

I don’t want nor HAVE to use cookie less sessions id, I just want to be able to assignee each user an unique id and pass that id within the link

Can someone help me please?
Thanks you


Any problem in using HttpContext.Current.Session.SessionID

This will be unique for each browser session

You need not to worry about how .NEt handles the session, SessionID will always give you a new session, provided youhaven't disabled session for the application


As a side note keep in mind that the SessionID is specific to a particular
session, not a particular user (unclear but it looks like you would like use
the SessionID as a key for a *new* user ? I would create just a new GUID, if
for anything else, to make clear that a SessionID and the UserID of my new
user are not at all required to be the same).


Amir said:
Hi every one I need help with session ids
I want keep track of my users online who are ordering, I want to use
session id to assign them unique ids now when I use cookie less sessions ids
I get something like this
My question is how I can change this to a format like this

I don't want nor HAVE to use cookie less sessions id, I just want to be
able to assignee each user an unique id and pass that id within the link

Amir Ghezelbash

Hi Thanks for your responses, could you elaborate on what you man with
GUID , yes i do want to assing every USER an uinque ID so i can track
their order


If the user have to create an account so that he could come at later time to
consult the status order, do new commands more easily or anything else, when
the user register himself in the database, you have to identify them. You
could use :
- an autoincrement number
- a GUID, basically a big random unique number that is created using

The key point was that the SessionID identifies just a particular session.
That is if the same user returns on your site at a later time, he'll have a
brand new session id i.e. it is not sufficient to identify the user.


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