Session_End Pop Up



I want a pop up to appear when the user's session ends. I've tried putting
some code in the Session_End sub in the global.asax, but must be using wrong
code or something. I could also just redirect them to a "timed out" page,
but I can't get that to work either. Can anyone help?



Session_End is a server side event. There is no way to communicate anything
back to the client. HTTP is stateless. Once the user received the results of
their request, that's it. There is no way to send any data to the user.
There is no way to pop open windows, or redirect them, or anything like

You can either wait until their next request, see that they have a new
session, or are not authenticated, or whatever, and then either redirect
them, or send down javascipt to pop open a new page.

Or, you can have a javascript timer going off after the page loads that
waits until the same amount of time has passed as the length of the session,
and then does a redirect or whatever.

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