session state



Hey guys need some help on session state.

I'm trying to create an ASP.NET page to add items to it. W.G. if your out
there I could still use some help!

I'm not quite sure how to get it to work.

Page loads
User selects a value from a drop down list
uses a button to add item into a variable
user can then either add another item from the drop down list or clicks
another button to give them a total.

W.G. gave me a pointer to use a session state but I can't seem to get it to

Here is what I have so far:

'Business logic constants

Const MEDIUM_BASE_PRICE As Double = 8.99

Const LARGE_BASE_PRICE As Double = 10.99

Const GIGANTIC_BASE_PRICE As Double = 12.99

Const TOPPING_PRICE As Double = 0.99

Const STANDARD_VIDEO_PRICE As Double = 1.95

Const NEW_RELEASE_VIDEO_PRICE As Double = 2.95

Const DELIVERY_FEE As Double = 2.0

Const TAX_RATE As Double = 0.065

Const COUPON_DISCOUNT As Double = 0.1 '(10 Percent)


'HTML constants

Const HTML_LEFT_ALIGN As String = "<p align=""left""> "

Const HTML_RIGHT_ALIGN As String = "<p align=""right""> "

Const HTML_INDENT As String = "&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

'Put user code to initialize the page here

Dim liNone, liMedium, liLarge, liGigantic As ListItem

'On first showing, fill ListBox, setExpDate and set Discount description

If Not IsPostBack Then


liNone = New ListItem

liNone.Text = "None"

liNone.Value = "None"

liMedium = New ListItem

liMedium.Text = "Medium (8"") -- " & FormatCurrency(MEDIUM_BASE_PRICE)

liMedium.Value = "Medium"

liLarge = New ListItem

liLarge.Text = "Large (10"")-- " & FormatCurrency(LARGE_BASE_PRICE)

liLarge.Value = "Large"

liGigantic = New ListItem

liGigantic.Text = "Gigantic (12"") -- " &

liGigantic.Value = "Gigantic"





ddlPizzaSize.SelectedIndex = 0

lblExpDate.Text = HTML_RIGHT_ALIGN & "Offer valid through " & _


lblDiscountDesc.Text = FormatPercent(COUPON_DISCOUNT, 0) & " discount:"


Session("mPizza") = 0

Session("lPizza") = 0

Session("gPizza") = 0

End If

End Sub

Private Sub btnOrder_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btnOrder.Click

Select Case ddlPizzaSize.SelectedItem.Value

Case "None" : Session("mPizza") = Session("mPizza") + 0

Case "Medium" : Session("mPizza") = Session("mPizza") + 1

Case "Large" : Session("lPizza") = Session("lPizza") + 1

Case "Gigantic" : Session("gPizza") = Session("gPizza") + 1

End Select

End Sub

Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click

txtTest.Text = Session("mPizza") + Session("lPizza") + Session("gPizza")

End Sub



If I understand what you're trying to do, you shouldn't be resetting the
session variables every time you post back. If you comment out the lines:
Session("mPizza") = 0

Session("lPizza") = 0

Session("gPizza") = 0

it should work (although I'd be more likely to move them to the True block
of the if statement so that they're properly initialized).


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