Session is deleted when building project

  • Thread starter Øyvind Isaksen
  • Start date

Øyvind Isaksen

When I build my project/solution all session-variables is deleted. This will
be a problem for all users that currently is logged in because my solution
show data for the spesific user based on the userID stored in a

Is there any way go around this problem.... for example log out all users if
session("userID")="" (blank)?
Is it possible to check this in the web.config file? Suggetions?

I use web.config to deny users, like this:

<deny users="?" />

Thanks for all tips,


Are you building on your production server? If so, not a wise direction to go.

High Availability is an issue in one box deployments. The way around this is
to load balance and bring each machine down to install (even if xcopy). This
requires a third machine to hold state, lest you just extend when the problem
happens. If you do not have the option to load balance, moving to another
session mechanism or even adding a custom handler to reload user's session
might be an option. None of this functionality is "out of the box".

With 2.0, you have some additional options, of course, depending on whether
you precompile your site (if not, you can selectively deploy individual pages
and have them compile on the fly).

Gregory A. Beamer

Think Outside the Box!

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