Serious Warning about upgrading to 2.0 -- ccokieless sessions



We upgraded this weekend and are now getting call after call on our tech
support line. It appears that 2.0 handles the cookieless sessionID
differently than 1.X. Now every one of our customers that had our site
bookmarked with their sessionID in the URL is getting a server error (404)
when they try to open it. And I can't even trap the error and give them a
nice explanation since they aren't even getting into the app.

Good job Microsoft! Very smooth upgrade path.

Teemu Keiski


you really should present this feedback on ASP.NET Forums's as that's where
MS's Web Platform & Tools team listens

Migrating from ASP.NET 1.x to ASP.NET 2.0
Discuss issues about compatibility with and migration from previous versions

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