Serious Startup Problem



Hi! Just a problem I'm getting: My computer starts up as normal, but when I
get to the Login screen I cannot input anything. The pointer is locked in
place, and my keyboard/mouse/touchpad do not work. I know the screen has not
frozen because there is only one user on my computer (me), and I can see the
line blinking in the password box. If I type my password (invisibly) and hit
enter nothing happens. I've tried booting in safe mode, doesn't work. I don't
have my Windows XP installation disk with me.

Right now I've got it in an external case and I can fully access it like a
big thumbdrive from a second computer (this one). What can I add/remove/fix
from here to get it running again once I stick it back in my main computer
(the laptop)??


Hi! Just a problem I'm getting: My computer starts up as normal, but when I
get to the Login screen I cannot input anything. The pointer is locked in
place, and my keyboard/mouse/touchpad do not work. I know the screen has not
frozen because there is only one user on my computer (me), and I can see the
line blinking in the password box. If I type my password (invisibly) and hit
enter nothing happens. I've tried booting in safe mode, doesn't work. I don't
have my Windows XP installation disk with me.

Right now I've got it in an external case and I can fully access it like a
big thumbdrive from a second computer (this one). What can I add/remove/fix
from here to get it running again once I stick it back in my main computer
(the laptop)??

When you go to the page that has the "Safe Mode" option, there is also
an option "Last known good configuration"

Have you tried that?


Yes. I've exhausted every startup option. I either must transfer the files
onto another computer (I've hooked it up as a slave drive to another desktop)
and then wipe the hard drive back to factory settings, or do whatever you
guys suggest. I'd rather not do that, and I think the problem might be with a

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