Serilization of custom object



Hello, I've been trying to serialize a custom object for transfer to a
web services and I'm running into a lot of problems. First of all, I'm
wanting to serialize the entire object, both private and public
properties. It seems as though when I try to accomplish this using the
XmlSerializer object, BinaryFormatter object, or the SoapFormatter
object, it will only do the public properties and methods. Is there
another object that will do what I'm wanting and I'm just missing it?
Also, I'd like to serialize this to memory and then just invoke the
method of the web service. It seems as though when using the
SoapFormatter and BinaryFormatter, I have to use a sttream object and
eventually put the data from memory to a byte array. This is
problematic because to transfer this byte array to my web service, I'd
have to loop through the array assigning the elements of the array to a
string var and then use this string var as the paramater to the web
service and parse it on the other side. This seems convulated and there
has to be another way of doing this. If anyone has any input and would
be willingto work on this with me, please let me know.


Ken Halter

Hello, I've been trying to serialize a custom object for transfer to a
web services and I'm running into a lot of problems. First of all

First of all, what language are you using. If anything.Net, see below....

You'll want to post that question in a .Net group.
They all contain "dotnet" or "vsnet" in their names.
This and all other groups on the MS server that start with
are for VB Classic (mostly VB5/6) and were in existance long before any .Net
products were released. While some of the code looks the same, they are very
different products and require a different set of groups.

Try one of these:

Ken Halter

squiggie said:
what are you talking about? This is a dotnet group?

Here's the crosspost list.


Of those, only one is appropriate for dotNet related questions (afaik). No
group that starts with "microsoft.public.vb" has anything to do with dotNet.
I have no idea what version of VB "it.comp.lang.visual-basic" supports.


"Ken Halter" ha scritto nel messaggio
I have no idea what version of VB "it.comp.lang.visual-basic" supports.

This is an IT.alian ;-) VB group. Historically "classic-VB" oriented, but
since there isn't a .NET localized NG, we accept either "style" question;
preferably with the correct tag in the subject or at least in the body.

Alas, italian language only :).

Bye, G.

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