Serializing a derived class



Is there any attribute I can use to serialize the class 'Data' below
such that I get:


from the serializable class defined below?

public class Data
[XmlArrayItem(Type = typeof(DerviedClass))]
public MyOwnBaseClass[] Base;

public class MyOwnBaseClass

public class DerviedClass : MyOwnBaseClass
public string A;

I don't want to show the DerviedClass name as a tag, but if I serialize
the class I will get:


instead of what I actually want shown above.


I am using XMLSerialization. Note that I used [XMLArrayItem] as an
attribute to one of my members.

You should use XMLSerialization instead of Serialization.


Tina said:
Is there any attribute I can use to serialize the class 'Data' below
such that I get:


from the serializable class defined below?

public class Data
[XmlArrayItem(Type = typeof(DerviedClass))]
public MyOwnBaseClass[] Base;

public class MyOwnBaseClass

public class DerviedClass : MyOwnBaseClass
public string A;

I don't want to show the DerviedClass name as a tag, but if I serialize
the class I will get:


instead of what I actually want shown above.

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