

csharpula csharp


I was wondering how can I serialize/deserialize an enum? Is it like a
regular propery? How can I do it?


Marc Gravell

I was wondering how can I serialize/deserialize an enum? Is it like a
regular propery? How can I do it?

Absolutely, yes. If you use the inbiuilt serialization (either binary
or xml) it will work just fine. If you are doing things yourself, then
for strings TypeDescriptor.GetConverter is a good bet (or via the
PropertyDescriptor.Converter if you are looking at things on a per-
property basis).

At the simplest level (for doing things manually), how about:

static string Serialize<T>(T value)
static T Deserialize<T>(string value)


csharpula csharp

Do I need any kind of attribute over the enum in order to serialize it
via xml? I did it and I can't see the enum in xml. Why?
thank u!

Marc Gravell

Do I need any kind of attribute over the enum in order to serialize it
via xml? I did it and I can't see the enum in xml. Why?

Nope; it should be fine as long as the property is public. Can you
perhaps post a short (but complete) example of something that doesn't
work? The only thing that occurs is a [Flags] enum without valid
combinations for all non-trivial values... a short (but complete)
example of it working for a random attribute is shown below...


using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
public sealed class Foo
public TypeCode Bar { get; set; }
static class Program
static void Main()

using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter())
Foo foo = new Foo { Bar = TypeCode.DateTime };
new XmlSerializer(typeof(Foo)).Serialize(
sw, foo);
string xml = sw.ToString();

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