Serialization of an inherited BindingList<T>


Chris Dunaway

I posted this to the xml group but got no responses, so I thought I'd
try here.

I have the following small class which inherits from the generic List

[Serializable, XmlRoot("FoodItemList")]
public class FoodItemList : BindingList<FoodItem>
private bool _hasChanges = false;
public bool HasChanges
get { return _hasChanges; }
set { _hasChanges = value; }

private DateTime _lastUpdated = DateTime.MinValue;
public DateTime LastUpdated
get { return _lastUpdated; }
set { _lastUpdated = value; }

Basically, I wanted to add a couple of properties and have them be
serialized as attributes with the class. Here is the xml that is

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<FoodItem Description="This is the description" UnitPrice="1.85"
SoldByWeight="false" ItemType="Entree" ItemMeal="Both" Id="1234" />

Here is the code I use to serialize them:

private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
FoodItemList foods = new FoodItemList();

FoodItem fi = new FoodItem();

fi.Id = 1234;
fi.Description = "This is the description";
fi.ItemMeal = FoodItemMeal.Both;
fi.ItemType = FoodItemType.Entree;
fi.SoldByWeight = false;
fi.UnitPrice = 1.85m;

foods.HasChanges = false;
foods.LastUpdated = DateTime.Now;

StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(@"c:\testser.xml");
XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(FoodItemList));

XmlSerializerNamespaces xsn = new
xsn.Add("", "");

xs.Serialize(sw, foods, xsn);


My two added properties are not serialized. Not as properties nor as
elements. How can I get them to serialize?



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