Serial Number Monitor

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cinquegrani Massimiliano
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Cinquegrani Massimiliano

i would like to know the serial number of the monitor of my PC, but the
Win32_DesktopMonitor doesn't give this information.
i hava a tool (Insight Management Agent® by Compaq®) that obtain this
number, and they write in readme.txt of this program that they use wmi.
anyone can help me?

thanks in advance

I'm trying to get this working as well. I want to be able to audit all
machines in the network, including monitor type and serial number. All the
machines are HP/Compaq D530s. I can get all the info I need bar the monitor
info. Any help appreciated.

Set wmiRoot = GetObject("winmgmts://" & trim(strMachine)

For Each InfoItem in wmiRoot.InstancesOf ("Win32_DesktopMonitor")
If InfoItem.MonitorType <> "Default Monitor" or
isnull(infoitem.monitortype)<>false Then
Monitortype = InfoItem.MonitorType
Exit For
End if

Santos Soler
MCP, Network+, A+