Separating Multiple Values from the same date



Hello, I just inherited a database and was asked to provide one of my
employers with an excel sheet with data from several of the tables. I had no
problem joining the requested information, but was also asked to separate
some of the data that is contained within a field. What I have is one table
that has a date, stationcode (2 letter string), and a numeric value (cassim)
fields. For each date and station there may be from 1 to 3 values for cassim
with no set pattern. Currently all of these cassim values are stored in the
same field, resulting in multiple date and station code entries. What I am
trying to do is separate those cassim values into cassim_1, cassim_2, and
cassim_3 where it is appropriate so I will have just one row of data for each
date and station. Unfortunately every method I have tried to this point has
not worked. I hope that was clear...any help with this would GREATLY
appreciated! Thank you!


Nevermind - I found a solution. Turns out that my employer wanted the fields
separated so that he could average them in excel! I just did the averaging
with a SQL query and sent the results. Thanks to anyone who viewed this post.

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