Separating data in a cell



How do I separate the data in a cell.

Example: Cell A1 contains First Names & Last Names. I want to separate the
first name and the last name. What formula should I use for that?

Thank you for your help!

JE McGimpsey

One way (not using a formula):

Select Data/Text to Columns. Choose Delimited. Click Next. Click Space.
Click Finish.

(using a formula):

A1: Jane Doe
A2: =LEFT(A1,FIND(" ",A1)-1) ===> Jane
A3: =MID(A1, FIND(" ",A1)+1,255) ===> Doe


What about if there is a middle initial? Ex. Jane A. Doe

What will be the formula so that the middle initial will be included?

Thank you for the help!

JE McGimpsey

Always better if you specify what you want in advance, so that the
question only has to be answered once.

You don't say where you want the middle initial to be included...

If with the first name, one way:


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