Sent e-mails are ending up in MY Inbox


George Hester

I don't understand this. I have never come across this before. Microsoft Outloook 2003 in Windows 2000 SP3. I will send an e-mail to someone. They will reply to my e-mail. I will repy to their reply to my e-mail. And the message I reply to will not be sent to the person who replied to my original e-mail but will in fact go into MY Inbox almost immediately. I click Send and there it is in MY Inbox.

Now I know the To address is correct. I can see it. That is not the issue. For example I can copy the address as I see it when I am ready to reply to their replay to my original e-mail, put it in a New mail message and send it and there is no problem. I do not get a bounce back into my Inbox.

But if I read their replay to my original e-mail and try responding to their reply to my original e-mail I will get this bounce back into my Inbox. This has been going on since I installed Outlook 2003. I have never seen anything like this before.

Now for the kickeer. My reply to their replay to my original message that gets bounced back into my Inbox. Guess what? It is never sent. How do I know this/ Well I save all sent messages in my Sent folder. And that reply to the sender who was replying to my original e-mail is NOT there.

What the heck is going on and how do I fix this issue?

George Hester

Well well well. I see what the trouble is. Looks to be a Microsoft Outllook 2003 Rules issue. Here this can be verified relatively easily.

Make a new rule. This rule will be such that for all messages after the message arrives with "http" in the body and on this machine only move it to the "temp" folder. Of course you will need to make this "temp" folder (NOT under the Inbox folder) before you construct this rule.

Now we are done. Make a new message and send it to your self and in the body of this HTML mail (using Word 2003 as your editor) enter and send it.

Wait a bit and the message should come in with the rule enabled end up in your temp folder. Go to the temp folder and double-click the message. It will come up and at that point hit reply. Type a few characters like "oooh how lovely" in the body of the message and make sure the message you are replying to has been icluded in the reply. Now send. Watch, the message will immediately appear that you just sent in your temp folder. The message was never sent.

Bug! The rules AGAIN are not performing correctly.

George Hester
I don't understand this. I have never come across this before. Microsoft Outloook 2003 in Windows 2000 SP3. I will send an e-mail to someone. They will reply to my e-mail. I will repy to their reply to my e-mail. And the message I reply to will not be sent to the person who replied to my original e-mail but will in fact go into MY Inbox almost immediately. I click Send and there it is in MY Inbox.

Now I know the To address is correct. I can see it. That is not the issue. For example I can copy the address as I see it when I am ready to reply to their replay to my original e-mail, put it in a New mail message and send it and there is no problem. I do not get a bounce back into my Inbox.

But if I read their replay to my original e-mail and try responding to their reply to my original e-mail I will get this bounce back into my Inbox. This has been going on since I installed Outlook 2003. I have never seen anything like this before.

Now for the kickeer. My reply to their replay to my original message that gets bounced back into my Inbox. Guess what? It is never sent. How do I know this/ Well I save all sent messages in my Sent folder. And that reply to the sender who was replying to my original e-mail is NOT there.

What the heck is going on and how do I fix this issue?

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