Sending photos - PLEASE HELP



I have asked this before, so sorry if you are seeing it for the second time!
Comp crashed and lost the lot before getting response.

I am trying to send photos using Windows Mail and they are only going large.
I try reducing the size and it goes through Outlook, which by the way, I do
not have. How can I do ALL my emails using ONLY Windows Mail? Any help is
greatly appreciated - I have had nothing but trouble since getting new comp
with Vista!!!!!!!

Gary VanderMolen

Open the Default Programs applet, which you can access either from
the Start menu or via the Control Panel, then click the first item:
"Set your default programs."
After a few seconds, a list of programs comes up. Click on "Windows
Mail". If it doesn't respond with "This program has all its defaults"
then fix it by clicking on the option indicated by the first green arrow.

Gary VanderMolen

There is another variation of the Default Programs fix that may work for you.
Open the Default Programs applet, then click on "Set program
access and computer defaults." Click Custom, and select
Windows Mail. Click OK.

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