Sending Messages



My computer always receives messages in my inbox just fine, even when I'm at
home. However, for some reason my email address (I've linked my Outlook to
my school email) will not send messages unless I am on one of my school's two
wireless networks. If I'm at home, the message keeps trying to send, but
will never leave my outbox. It's very frustrating b/c I have to get on the
email's web server, which is old and hideous, plus I lose the trail from
messages that I am replying to. Does anyone know what is causing this
problem and how to fix it?

Brian Tillman

alexandrathegr8 said:
My computer always receives messages in my inbox just fine, even when
I'm at home. However, for some reason my email address (I've linked
my Outlook to my school email) will not send messages unless I am on
one of my school's two wireless networks. If I'm at home, the
message keeps trying to send, but will never leave my outbox.

Because, perhaps, you're not authenticating to your outgoing server or your
SMTP server name won't resolve when not on the school's network. Enabe
logging and post the results here and perhaps we can figure it out. You
don't state your Outlook version, so you decide which of these applies:


Hey Brian,

Thanks for helping me. I'm using Outlook2003. I just created the log and
tried to send an email message, and here's what I'm getting (I'm posting the
entire thing, rather than just the SMTP message, just in case you can help
with something)

2005.07.03 16:38:10 <<<< Logging Started (level is LTF_TRACE) >>>>
2005.07.03 16:38:10 VUMail: Synch operation started (flags = 00000001)
2005.07.03 16:38:10 VUMail: UploadItems: 0 messages to send
2005.07.03 16:38:10 VUMail: Synch operation completed
2005.07.03 16:38:10 VUMail: Synch operation started (flags = 00000030)
2005.07.03 16:38:10 VUMail: DoPOPDownload(flags = 00000030, max msg =
ffffffff): full items
2005.07.03 16:38:10 POP3 ( Begin execution
2005.07.03 16:38:10 POP3 ( ========= Initial blob
2005.07.03 16:38:10 POP3 (
2005.07.03 16:38:10 POP3 ( Port: 995, Secure: SSL,
SPA: no
2005.07.03 16:38:10 POP3 ( Finding host
2005.07.03 16:38:10 POP3 ( Connecting to host
2005.07.03 16:38:11 POP3 ( Securing connection
2005.07.03 16:38:11 POP3 ( Connected to host
2005.07.03 16:38:11 POP3 ( <rx> +OK imap2 Cyrus POP3
v2.0.16 server ready
2005.07.03 16:38:11 POP3 ( Authorizing to server
2005.07.03 16:38:11 POP3 ( [tx] USER *****
2005.07.03 16:38:11 POP3 ( <rx> +OK Name is a valid
2005.07.03 16:38:11 POP3 ( [tx] PASS *****
2005.07.03 16:38:11 POP3 ( <rx> +OK Maildrop locked
and ready
2005.07.03 16:38:11 POP3 ( Authorized to host
2005.07.03 16:38:11 POP3 ( Connected to host
2005.07.03 16:38:11 POP3 ( [tx] STAT
2005.07.03 16:38:11 POP3 ( <rx> +OK 0 0
2005.07.03 16:38:11 POP3 ( ==== Comparing server and
local blobs ====
2005.07.03 16:38:11 POP3 (
2005.07.03 16:38:12 POP3 ( Do deletions: LoS: no
2005.07.03 16:38:12 POP3 ( Disconnecting from host
2005.07.03 16:38:12 POP3 ( [tx] QUIT
2005.07.03 16:38:12 POP3 ( <rx> +OK
2005.07.03 16:38:12 POP3 ( Disconnected from host
2005.07.03 16:38:12 POP3 ( ========= No blob changes
2005.07.03 16:38:12 POP3 (
2005.07.03 16:38:12 POP3 ( End execution
2005.07.03 16:38:12 VUMail: ReportStatus: RSF_COMPLETED, hr = 0x00000000
2005.07.03 16:38:12 VUMail: Synch operation completed
2005.07.03 16:38:51 VUMail: Synch operation started (flags = 00000001)
2005.07.03 16:38:51 VUMail: UploadItems: 1 messages to send
2005.07.03 16:38:51 SMTP ( Begin execution
2005.07.03 16:38:51 SMTP ( Port: 25, Secure: no, SPA:
2005.07.03 16:38:51 SMTP ( Finding host
2005.07.03 16:38:52 SMTP ( Connecting to host
2005.07.03 16:39:34 SMTP ( Disconnected from host
2005.07.03 16:39:34 SMTP ( End execution
2005.07.03 16:39:34 VUMail: ReportStatus: RSF_COMPLETED, hr = 0x80042109
2005.07.03 16:39:34 VUMail: Synch operation completed
2005.07.03 16:40:29 VUMail: Synch operation started (flags = 00000001)
2005.07.03 16:40:29 VUMail: UploadItems: 1 messages to send
2005.07.03 16:40:30 SMTP ( Begin execution
2005.07.03 16:40:30 SMTP ( Port: 25, Secure: no, SPA:
2005.07.03 16:40:30 SMTP ( Finding host
2005.07.03 16:41:12 SMTP ( Disconnected from host
2005.07.03 16:41:12 SMTP ( End execution
2005.07.03 16:41:12 VUMail: ReportStatus: RSF_COMPLETED, hr = 0x80042109
2005.07.03 16:41:12 VUMail: Synch operation completed
2005.07.03 16:41:32 VUMail: Synch operation started (flags = 00000001)
2005.07.03 16:41:32 VUMail: UploadItems: 1 messages to send
2005.07.03 16:41:32 SMTP ( Begin execution

Brian Tillman

alexandrathegr8 said:
Thanks for helping me. I'm using Outlook2003. I just created the
log and tried to send an email message, and here's what I'm getting
(I'm posting the entire thing, rather than just the SMTP message,
just in case you can help with something)

Did you consult any of those articles I cited? The SMTP server you're
trying to reach doesn't seem to be responding to the connection attempt.
Have you spoken with Vanderbilt's IT people? You should at least have seen
something like this:

220 ESMTP Sendmail
; Tue, 5 Jul 2005 09:32:58 -0500 (CDT)

in the log. Can you ping the machine? Open a command prompt window and


and see if you get any responses. You may have to enter CTRL-C to stop them
if you do. Can you telnet to the server? Enter

telnet 25

and see if you get a response like I show above. If you do, enter "quit" to
terminate the connection.


Brian Tillman said:
Did you consult any of those articles I cited? The SMTP server you're
trying to reach doesn't seem to be responding to the connection attempt.
Have you spoken with Vanderbilt's IT people? You should at least have seen
something like this:

220 ESMTP Sendmail
; Tue, 5 Jul 2005 09:32:58 -0500 (CDT)

in the log. Can you ping the machine? Open a command prompt window and


and see if you get any responses. You may have to enter CTRL-C to stop them
if you do. Can you telnet to the server? Enter

telnet 25

and see if you get a response like I show above. If you do, enter "quit" to
terminate the connection.

Okay I pinged the machine and got this.

Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=72ms TTL=236
Reply from bytes=32 time=73ms TTL=236
Reply from bytes=32 time=73ms TTL=236
Reply from bytes=32 time=72ms TTL=236

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 72ms, Maximum = 73ms, Average = 72ms

Then I telneted into it, and there wasn't any response -- I got this:
Connecting To not open connection to the host,
port 25.
The system could not find the environment option that was entered.

So what does that mean? What do I do? I haven't talked to my IT people b/c
they prefer Mulberry as their email client and say they don't provide tech
help for Outlook. (Which they might, I just didn't even bother b/c they say

And I"m confused about the articles you meant -- I used the Outlook 2003 one
to activate the log so that I could post that other stuff, but I'm not quite
sure what other information you're referring to.

Help!!! (I really appreciate it!)

Brian Tillman

alexandrathegr8 said:
Okay I pinged the machine and got this.

So far so good
Then I telneted into it, and there wasn't any response -- I got this:
Connecting To not open connection to
the host, on
port 25.
The system could not find the environment option that was entered.

What version of Windows are you running? This is usually a problem on
Windows NT.

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