Sending message to SMTP server using CDONTS component


Chris Pearson

I recently set up a web site which I am running locally
on my laptop using ASP.Net. From a web form on the site I
am attempting to send an email programmatically using the
CDONTS class to an SMTP server. Prior to use of the
CDONTS component a message was returned to the sending
address with an error message contained. Now I am
recieving no returned message but the intended mail is
not arriving at its intended destination. I wondered if
there is any important issues regarding CDONTS and SMTP
that I need to know. Thanks



It will be better if you can provice what error message
you are getting.


Kevin Spencer

If you're using the CDONTS COM object, try using the System.Web.Mail classes


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Big things are made up of
lots of little things.

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