sending mail



I keep getting this popup asking me to confirm my sign on name and
password... I did not know I had one... Where can I get this info from? Thanks

Gary VanderMolen

Every mail server requires a unique username and password.
How did you access your mail before this?


I'm having the same problem. Another person, who left the organization a year
ago, set up the email accounts.

I have at least 2 generic accounts dumping into mine, and all of a sudden am
prompted to sign in to them, which I normally do not have to do. This has
happened in the past, but then I was able to send & receive mail (but
possibly only using one account?).

Until this morning I had been unable to send or receive email since 4/23.
After I tried Gary's suggestion (Tools/Accounts/Properties/Servers), I can
now receive email, but still my outgoing messages are being held in the Out

Gary VanderMolen

Which one of my suggestions did you implement?

Do you get an error message when you try to send? If so,
right-click on your error message, copy, then paste it into a reply here.
We can't do much troubleshooting without the complete error message.


If you are a private person and not on a corporate network, you typically
get that information from your ISP. Most ISPs have a Help/Support section
telling you how to set up your email, with sections for each of the
better-known email applications.

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