Sending mail trouble



I know this sound stupid, but when I first set up my mail with Windows mail,
I was able to send and recieve email. Now nothing is sending. I can only
recieve. I'm not sure what to check first to fix the problem. I haven't
changed any settings since I first set it up. Someone please help me...Jen


It could be that your antivirus program is causing problems. Try to turn off
the email scanning feature of your antivirus.


Gary VanderMolen

jenilynn123 said:
I know this sound stupid, but when I first set up my mail with Windows mail,
I was able to send and recieve email. Now nothing is sending. I can only
recieve. I'm not sure what to check first to fix the problem. I haven't
changed any settings since I first set it up. Someone please help me...Jen

You will need to give us the complete error message, which will look
something like this:

"The connection to the server has failed. Account: '',
Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No,
Error Number: 0x800CCC0E"

Also, look in the Outbox to see if there are any 'stuck' messages.


There is no message error. My sent items box stop on 3/7. My Outbox has
been storing everything since then and wont send the messages. What do I do?


There is no error message. My sent items folder sent messages through 3/7.
My outbox folder has held onto every message since then and won't send them.
What do I do???

Gary VanderMolen

Chances are, the email scanning feature of your antivirus program has
corrupted something in Windows Mail. First, read this (especially the red box):

Then, if you have either McAfee or Norton antivirus installed, uninstall it.
Try sending again. If it still doesn't work, remove the email account
that's having the problem (Tools, Accounts), close WinMail, reopen,
then recreate the email account. It should work now.

Then download either the AVG or Avast free antivirus program.
Be sure to configure the antivirus program NOT to scan email.

Gary VanderMolen

Gary VanderMolen

I posted my reply about the same time you posted "Have you gotten any
of my replies..."
No, I have not seen your replies. If you replied via email, that won't work.

Please understand that this newsgroup is manned by unpaid volunteers.
Those of us who attempt to resolve problems here can only do so
sporadically, since we do have other obligations.

Gary VanderMolen


I still can't get it to work. I went to McAfee and took off the email
scanning. Then I went to Tools, Accounts and took off my email account and
then put it back in again, but it didn't reset anything or change one bit.
What do I do? Jen

Peter Foldes


Re do your database and check your email setup. Make sure that no AV email scanning is set. If you have antispam filtering set on email disable it. Do you by any chance have ZA installed


Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.

jenilynn123 said:
I still can't get it to work. I went to McAfee and took off the email
scanning. Then I went to Tools, Accounts and took off my email account and
then put it back in again, but it didn't reset anything or change one bit.
What do I do? Jen


How do I re do my database and check my email setup? Also, what is ZA. I
will take spam filtering off..

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