Sending e-mail



Access 2000 on XP Pro and 98 in a 2003 network. Outlook 2000 with Exchange

I have developed a database that allows users to submit requests for
equipment. Once the form is filled out, an e-mail is sent to the building
rep letting them know there is a request waiting to be approved. There are
no attachments, it's just a simple text message. ("A Field Trip request for
your building has been submitted. Please go to
\\server\share\folder\file.mdb to authorize the request.")

All works well, except, it will only send one e-mail per session. Even if
I'm sending to a different building rep the second time.

If I open the database, fill out the form, send the message, close the
database all works well. I can reopen the database and send another, just
If I open the database, fill out the form, send the message, then try to
submit another request the e-mail will not send (no error messages or any
clues as to why). I've tried closing the form and reopening it, but no
luck. The only thing that seems to allow a second request is to completely
close the database and open it again.

Is there some setting I've missed? Is this a limit in Access?

Thanks for any help or ideas.

Tony Toews

Lauri said:
Access 2000 on XP Pro and 98 in a 2003 network. Outlook 2000 with Exchange

I have developed a database that allows users to submit requests for
equipment. Once the form is filled out, an e-mail is sent to the building
rep letting them know there is a request waiting to be approved. There are
no attachments, it's just a simple text message. ("A Field Trip request for
your building has been submitted. Please go to
\\server\share\folder\file.mdb to authorize the request.")

All works well, except, it will only send one e-mail per session. Even if
I'm sending to a different building rep the second time.

SendObject method fails in Access 2000

Microsoft Access Email FAQ

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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Thank you!
I looked for an hour and just didn't use the right words in my searches.


Tony Toews

Lauri said:
Thank you!

You're quite welcome.
I looked for an hour and just didn't use the right words in my searches.

Yup, that happens all the time to me too. I now use
to start my searches. The questions have been answered in a thousand
different ways but the answer(s) is in that technologies terminology.

However when I see two or three hits to my searches which have error
numbers in them I do still get quite concerned. <smile>

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at

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