Sending an URL to a friend by email..... how to make it clickable????


~ FreeSpirit ~

Since I've used this PC with W-XP for the last 6 months my friends have been
complaining they don't receive URLs as clickable blue in e-mails, as I sent
before with W98SE. I send them from IE6 using OE6. I don't use Netscape.

How and where do I make changes so they get the URL in blue and clickable
INSTEAD of as an attachment they must open? I've been through Tools/Options
several times and either miss it or the choice is no there.

My website:
"There are no atheist suicide bombers."
~~~<~~~<~~~{@ ~~~<~~~<~~~{@ ~~~<~~~<~~~{@


-----Original Message-----
Since I've used this PC with W-XP for the last 6 months my friends have been
complaining they don't receive URLs as clickable blue in e-mails, as I sent
before with W98SE. I send them from IE6 using OE6. I don't use Netscape.

How and where do I make changes so they get the URL in blue and clickable
INSTEAD of as an attachment they must open? I've been through Tools/Options
several times and either miss it or the choice is no there.

My website:
"There are no atheist suicide bombers."
~~~<~~~><~~~{@ ~~~><~~~><~~~{@ ~~~><~~~><~~~{@ >

Try typing the URL with www. in front in the context of
the message then press the enter key. it should convert
into a hyperlink.

~ FreeSpirit ~

MAP said:
the message then press the enter key. it should convert
into a hyperlink.
Have you seen the *size* of some URLs? Why don't YOU just copy&paste them
into your e-mails? Why type them in?

In W98SE it automatically was INSERTED INTO the post, showed up in blue and
was clickable..... took 2 seconds and off it went........

My personal website:
"There are no atheist suicide bombers."
~~~<~~~<~~~{@ ~~~<~~~<~~~{@ ~~~<~~~<~~~{@


If you already know how to do it then why did you ask
the ?
From your past posts that I've read most of your problems
seem to be user error!

~ FreeSpirit ~

MAP said:
If you already know how to do it then why did you ask
the ?

** Because I want to KNOW what changes are made and where for it to insert
automatically like in W98SE. Did you READ my post?
From your past posts that I've read most of your problems
seem to be user error!

** So the failing HD, the defective DVD drive and dead floppy drive were all
user error???? Please explain how they were "user errors"



Have you tried r-clicking the URL, either from the address bar or from
within a web page, and selecting copy and then paste to your e-mail?


Its only me

Sounds to me like you have a serious case of PMT. FFS calm down woman. If
you had read your own post AND the reply given by MAP, you would have seen
that he gave you the answer to the question asked.

Your question included: "How and where do I make changes " and the answer
given was "Try typing the URL with www. in front in the context of the
message then press the enter key". So if you pasted the link into your mail
message all you have to do is add "WWW." at the front of it, without the
quotes of course. Now is that SO DAMN HARD to follow?

And BTW, you seem to have so many bad vibes, the energy you expend probably
DID make a mess of your machine when it went do-lally. I don't understand
why you use XP at all if you favour so much 98. Try taking some happy pills
for a change.

~ FreeSpirit ~

Its only me said:
Sounds to me like you have a serious case of PMT. FFS calm down woman.

*** Sorry my friend but I've a very stressful 2 weeks around here due to
these unexpected and ongoing PC problems. HP took full responsibility for
the drive failures. They assured me we did not cause these problems.
Perhaps as a techie you see them as enjoyable challenges. I can understand
that. But others see them as time wasting aggravations. Especially when I
waste time searching for an answer and there isn't any in the helpfiles or
book. I'm talking about the software now as well as hardware problems.

you had read your own post AND the reply given by MAP, you would have seen
that he gave you the answer to the question asked.

*** This is the reply I got from MAP:
"Try typing the URL with www. in front in the context of
the message then press the enter key. it should convert
into a hyperlink."

Trying to "hand type" in an URL with perhaps 50 or more figures and numbers
is not practical. In W98SE when I clicked on Mail/Send A link/ in IE6 it
opened an email message with the URL showing and in blue (clickable). There
was no hand-typing in URLs to make them clickable. Am I misunderstanding
what he/she said? With this PC (W-XP) the e-mail opens with the URL
ATTACHED and not clickable. All that's in the body of the message is this:

"Your files are attached and ready to send with this message." THIS is what
I want to change and wasted at least an hour looking for the answer BEFORE
asking here.
With all the worms, viruses etc. going around they're afraid to OPEN
anything and want to keep exchanging URLs in the "clickable" form. I can't
find anywhere to change this to make them clickable again and not as
Your question included: "How and where do I make changes " and the answer
given was "Try typing the URL with www. in front in the context of the
message then press the enter key". So if you pasted the link into your mail
message all you have to do is add "WWW." at the front of it, without the
quotes of course. Now is that SO DAMN HARD to follow?

** No it isn't - it just takes more clicks and more time than when it
appears right on/in the email and off it goes..... why make things harder
for people by changing the way something works when they worked just fine to
start with?
And BTW, you seem to have so many bad vibes,

** Who wouldn't have "bad vibes" when they've had so much trouble with their
PC over the past 5 months.

the energy you expend probably
DID make a mess of your machine when it went do-lally.

** If bad vibes killed HDs, Floppy drives and DVD drives every office would
go bankrupt.... LOL!!! My *vibes* never harmed the other PCs we have. It
seems some of you don't want the lurking public to know about all the
problems some people have with XP/PCs.

I don't understand
why you use XP at all if you favour so much 98. Try taking some happy pills
for a change.

** Happy pills don't answer questions help-files and books don't cover do
they? Besides turning to drugs isn't the answer as you'll learn some day.
I have W-XP because I had no choice. You try buying a new PC these days
with W98SE installed on it.


~ FreeSpirit ~

JAX said:
Have you tried r-clicking the URL, either from the address bar or from
within a web page, and selecting copy and then paste to your e-mail?

Yes, and that works,.....but it's so much FASTER and easier to click on the
mail button/send-a-link/... add my friends addys and send. All they do is
click and go to the URL. If I have no choice I guess I'll have to do it
that way on this PC. Why did MS make such a change? Many people have their
mail programs set to not allow "attachments" and it makes it a hassle for
them as well. They have to either change their settings or use "forward"
to get and open the attached URL I send. It's just more "work" at both

I was hoping to eliminate all these extra steps.




Free Sprit,
I have had the same problem as you (people are unable to
open the link).What I found out is the problem is NOT on
your end. What they (the recipiant) needs to do is double
click on the URL that is in the attachment block in the
e/mail "subject" header,this will open IE6 and take them
to the web page.But trying to explain that to everyone in
my address book is not going to happen so I e/mail links
the way I described in my first post.Test this out e/mail
a link to yourself.You will find that it does work.
-----Original Message-----

calm down woman.

*** Sorry my friend but I've a very stressful 2 weeks around here due to
these unexpected and ongoing PC problems. HP took full responsibility for
the drive failures. They assured me we did not cause these problems.
Perhaps as a techie you see them as enjoyable challenges. I can understand
that. But others see them as time wasting
aggravations. Especially when I

~ FreeSpirit ~

MAP said:
Free Sprit,
I have had the same problem as you (people are unable to
open the link).What I found out is the problem is NOT on
your end. What they (the recipiant) needs to do is double
click on the URL that is in the attachment block in the
e/mail "subject" header,this will open IE6 and take them
to the web page.

## Please read my whole reply. No, that's not what's happening with the URL
"as an attachment." When it's double clicked it opens a small "warning"
window telling them some attachments can harm their computer, and asks what
they want to do. This scares some people, especially those new to
Now I just tried it myself (double clicked the attachment - URL) and got the
usual warning window re: e-mail attachments. It doesn't take me straight to
the URL either so they're telling the truth. I first have to click on "OK"
in the warning window, then it takes me to the URL. On the old PC it puts
the URL right in the e-mail message and all they have to do is click it, no
warning windows, no attachments, no fears about opening attachments.
If I C&P the URL into the e-mail message that will *INSERT* it in such as
way as to be clickable without the warning window. I'm afraid to tell
people to shut the warning window off re: attachments least they open
something malicious and get a worm or virus.
But trying to explain that to everyone in
my address book is not going to happen so I e/mail links
the way I described in my first post.Test this out e/mail
a link to yourself.You will find that it does work.

## I can e-mail a C&Paste link and of course it works. It works for them
also. I wanted to set IE6 to send the link THAT way and not as an
ATTACHMENT. Is there someplace I can make that change so I can skip the C&P


Illinois Fritz

~ FreeSpirit ~ said:
Since I've used this PC with W-XP for the last 6 months my friends have been
complaining they don't receive URLs as clickable blue in e-mails, as I sent
before with W98SE. I send them from IE6 using OE6. I don't use Netscape.

How and where do I make changes so they get the URL in blue and clickable
INSTEAD of as an attachment they must open? I've been through Tools/Options
several times and either miss it or the choice is no there.

I have a question: How exactly are you sending the link to these
people? Are you selecting File/Send/Link by Email?

I just tried the same thing and got the same results. (WinXP Home,
SP!, and OE6)

(if you do this yourself you'll see what she means)
Ok, I understand what she's asking: How can she send a link to a
website through the Send/Link by Email?

It puts the link in an email message as an attachment, not as a link.
It should insert the link into the email message itself, not attach
it. Also, it kept all 'coding' for spaces, etc. in the name of the

You have to select the attachment icon, select the attachment, and
then it tells you the 'attachments can be harmful...' message.

Now, why does it work this way instead of simply putting the link into
the message box?

I don't think FS was asking something that should've caused so much
'confusion', had you all actually tried it yourself. Next time you
might want to research before just popping off. (This is how I felt
after reading the replies to FS... it didn't look like there was much
help being offered, just off-hand answers).


Below are (selected) headers from my message I just sent to myself:

X-Originating-Email: [[email protected]]
X-Sender: (e-mail address removed)
From: "Franz Bruyere Jr." <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: Emailing: groups%3Fhl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8%26oe%3DUTF-8%26frame%3Dright%26th%3D3bd9b2c5d3894a8b%26seekm%3DesXstee%2523DHA.3496%2540TK2MSFTNGP10.phx
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004 17:47:31 -0600

Your files are attached and ready to send with this message.
Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: attachment;


Illinois Fritz

~ FreeSpirit ~ said:
Since I've used this PC with W-XP for the last 6 months my friends have been
complaining they don't receive URLs as clickable blue in e-mails, as I sent
before with W98SE. I send them from IE6 using OE6. I don't use Netscape.

How and where do I make changes so they get the URL in blue and clickable
INSTEAD of as an attachment they must open? I've been through Tools/Options
several times and either miss it or the choice is no there.
Greetings again...

Ok, as a temp fix until someone can come up with a real fix...

When you get to a site that you want to 'send a link to', right-click
on the address and select 'Copy' or 'Copy Shortcut'. Then, open OE and
paste the shortcut into the message box. Fill in the email addresses
where you are sending and Send.


krok dundee

MAP said:

my friends have been

e-mails, as I sent

don't use Netscape.

blue and clickable

through Tools/Options
Hi MAP, in outlook express the settings are under tools, options,send,
and make sure you check the box "send email as HTML" .. and make sure
your friends recieve mail in HTML format also. That way the link you
paste into your emails will be clickable.
hope this hels, rob


Highlight the URL | right click on the URL | click copy | paste it in the body of the e-mail.

If sending a URL from the address box in IE | right click on the URL | click copy | paste it in the body of the e-mail.

~ FreeSpirit ~

Illinois Fritz said:
"~ FreeSpirit ~" <[email protected]> wrote in message =============================

I have a question: How exactly are you sending the link to these
people? Are you selecting File/Send/Link by Email?\

## Yes, either that way or by clicking on the e-mial icon at the top of the
I just tried the same thing and got the same results. (WinXP Home,
SP!, and OE6)

## On W98SE they're automatically INSERTED in such as way as to be
(if you do this yourself you'll see what she means)
Ok, I understand what she's asking: How can she send a link to a
website through the Send/Link by Email?

## YES! Without the hassle of the C&P step.
It puts the link in an email message as an attachment, not as a link.
It should insert the link into the email message itself, not attach
it. Also, it kept all 'coding' for spaces, etc. in the name of the

## No one wants to OPEN these attachments and can't understand why I can't
change it to having them INSIDE the message like before (on my HP/W98SE).
You have to select the attachment icon, select the attachment, and
then it tells you the 'attachments can be harmful...' message.

## Which scares a lot of people with all the virus talk on TV..... some of
my friends are new to PCs and fear opening anything sent to them. This is
Now, why does it work this way instead of simply putting the link into
the message box?

## This is what I would like to find out. The helpfiles don't cover the
problem, nor does the XP book I have.
I don't think FS was asking something that should've caused so much
'confusion', had you all actually tried it yourself. Next time you
might want to research before just popping off. (This is how I felt
after reading the replies to FS... it didn't look like there was much
help being offered, just off-hand answers).

## EXACTLY! Thanks Fritz 216. I don't know why they even bother to reply
to people. I mean, what is their point? To turn people off to MS products
and these MS NGs?
My website:
"Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here, we might
as well dance."
~~~<~~~<~~~{@ ~~~<~~~<~~~{@ ~~~<~~~<~~~{@

~ FreeSpirit ~

Illinois Fritz said:
Ok, as a temp fix until someone can come up with a real fix...

$$ If there was a REAL and permanent fix someone would have mentioned it
When you get to a site that you want to 'send a link to', right-click
on the address and select 'Copy' or 'Copy Shortcut'. Then, open OE and
paste the shortcut into the message box. Fill in the email addresses
where you are sending and Send.

$$ Looks like this is how it'll have to be done. Thanks again Fritz. :)
My website:
"Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here, we might
as well dance."
~~~<~~~<~~~{@ ~~~<~~~<~~~{@ ~~~<~~~<~~~{@

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