Sending a Report to Word


Keith Russell

Hi, everyone.

I have what you might call a "hybrid" office setup. I have Office
2003 installed, but it's the Standard version, so of course it
doesn't include Access. Since I also own a copy of Office XP Pro,
I installed Access XP (2002) alongside Office 2003.

I have created a report in Access XP and would now like to send
it to Word. My Office 97 book says I can do this by clicking the
OfficeLinks toolbar button, but I can't find such a button. Does
it exist in Access XP? In any case, I found Office Links on the
Tools menu, and selected "Publish It with Microsoft Word" from
the list. However, nothing happened. I expected Word to open with
the report, but it didn't. Is the export saved somewhere so that
I need to explicitly open it from there? Or is Access XP unable
to communicate with Word 2003? If the latter is true, would it
help to change the installation location for Access XP?

The reason I want to do this is that I would like to add extra
formatting text to the report. I would like to add a "......"
string between the name and phone number on each line, to add a
comma after the surname, put parentheses around the field that
contains children's names, and so forth. If it's possible to do
this in Access, I might not need to use Word, but I haven't yet
figured out how. Is this a possibility?

Thanks in advance!

Keith Russell

I did figure out that I can add a text box form to my report to
accomplish part of what I want, but the formatting is still not
quite what I want, and I still would like to be able to send the
report to Word.

I created a Web form, and it doesn't seem to work, either. (Web
Page Preview does nothing, as far as I can tell.) Might this be
an incompatibility with IE7?

Can anyone tell me how to get these two features to work?


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