SEND TO menu



There is no SEND TO menu in EXCEL. How do I get it back. Groupwie and
Outlook Express are installed and both can be used from the SEND TO menu in
the Explorer or in IE.

In WORD, the mail options in the SEND TO are greyed out.

Is this a registry problem? What determines which mail programs are in the
SEND TO menu in EXCEL and WORD?


What programs do I need to send, route, post, or view workbooks in e-mail?
System requirements for e-mailing a message or workbook
To e-mail a message or HTML file You need Excel 2000 and Outlook 2000.

To e-mail or route a workbook as an attachment in Excel format (.xls) You
need Excel 2000 and one of the following e-mail programs:

Outlook, Outlook Express, Microsoft Exchange Client, or another 32-bit
e-mail program compatible with the Messaging Application Programming
Interface (MAPI). Make sure Mapi32.dll is in the Windows System folder.

Lotus cc:Mail or another 16-bit e-mail program compatible with Vendor
Independent Messaging (VIM). Make sure Mapivi32.dll,Mapivitk.dll, and
Mvthksvr.exe are in the Windows System folder.

E-mailing and routing messages and workbooks may not work across electronic
mail gateways.

Some message options, such as message tracking and voting, are available
only if you’re using Microsoft Exchange Server.
System requirements for viewing an e-mailed message or document
If you e-mail a message or workbook in HTML format To view the message or
workbook, recipients need Outlook 2000, or a Web browser or e-mail program
(such as Outlook 98 or later) that can read documents in HTML format.

If you e-mail or route a workbook as an attachment in Excel format (.xls)
To view the attached workbook, recipients need Excel 97 or later.

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