Send To Menu Hangs Computer



I am running WinXP Pro following the latest update (WGA) the sent to menu
hangs the computer while using Windows Explorer, I have to log off and back
on again to clear this.
However when i.e. is running and I am using Windows Explorer I have no such
problems the send to menu works as it should, Similarly I have no problems
using the send to menu on the desktop.

Has the computer somehow become corrupt or is it a know problem. with a fix.

any and all advice would be welcome as I use the send to menu all the time
and it is a great too, within windows and easy to configure to make it more
user friendly

Thanks in advance


Just a suggestion here not sure if it will work. If you have your windows cd
then go to start > run > type in "sfc /scannow" (without quotes and make sure
there is a space between sfc and /scannow) > click OK. Your system will now
scan for any problems within the primary windows files and will replace them
if they are corrupt with files from your cd. Hope this helps. Good Luck


Kemco IT Professional



Thanks for the advice I ran sfc /scannow and the send to menu still does not
work as is should it is basically still the same i.e. in windows explorer it
does not work and hangs the computer

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