Send mail problem




I want to send a message using Outlook with an atachment.

I use following code adapted for my purpose:

Sub Mail_workbook_Outlook_1()
'Working in 2000-2007
'This example send the last saved version of the Activeworkbook
' source base:
' adapted for my use

Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Const sMsg2 = "Send methode = Outlook"

' read data from ini file
szSection = "Expence"
szKey = "Mail Address1"
MailTo1 = GetIniKey(szFile, szSection, szKey)
szKey = "Mail Address2"
MailTo2 = GetIniKey(szFile, szSection, szKey)

Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)

On Error Resume Next

With OutMail
.To = MailTo1
If MailTo2 <> "0" Then
.CC = MailTo2
End If
.Subject = wbName
.Body = sMsg & vbCrLf & sMsg2
.Attachments.Add wbPathName
.Send '.Display '
End With
Debug.Print Send

On Error GoTo 0
Set OutMail = Nothing
Set OutApp = Nothing
End Sub

What's the problem?

When i try it, and use my e-mail address to send to, i don't receive
the mail!
When i change the .Send into .Display , then it displays on screen ,
but what i don't find back in the toolbar is the Send button.

Outlook isn't my default mail client, i use always Outlook Express.
What's causing the problem, and how to solve it?


Mike Fogleman

You are using code written for Outlook. Regardless of your default mail
program, do you have Outlook installed and account set up to do emails?
Outlook must be functioning as a mail program in order to send mail. It does
not have to be the default. With your code you should be able to send
yourself an email from Outlook and receive it in OExpress (default), but
both programs must be set up with email accounts. If this is not your
situation and both mailers are functioning, then you may need Ron to help
you out.

Mike F

Ron de Bruin

For the OP

Run Office Diagnostics.
Office Button>Excel Options...Resources

If you have the same problem then is the example in the workbook from my site working for you ?


You are using code written for Outlook. Regardless of your default mail
program, do you have Outlook installed and account set up to do emails?
Outlook must be functioning as a mail program in order to send mail. It does
not have to be the default. With your code you should be able to send
yourself an email from Outlook and receive it in OExpress (default), but
both programs must be set up with email accounts. If this is not your
situation and both mailers are functioning, then you may need Ron to help
you out.

- Tekst uit oorspronkelijk bericht weergeven -

Hi Mike,

I guess that the issue you mention is causing the problem.
I assume that, when installing Office, Outlook is installed by
default, but i didn't setup an account for it, because i never use it.
So probebly is the problem solved with your answer.

Thanks anyway to get me in the right direction.



I haved used Ron’s code very successfully and I too also use Outlook Express
as my mail program.
I had experience a similar problem to you with regard to not receiving a
“test†email I sent to myself when testing Ron’s code! I found that this
email was being treated as spam and moved to the spam folder so did not
download via outlook express. Updating my mail settings via the web solved
the problem.
Hope this may be of some help.

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