Send email error : could not access 'cdo.message' object.



I have a strange question about send email in .net.
I use the following code to send email.

Sub SendMail(ByVal mailFrom As String, _
ByVal mailTo As String, _
ByVal mailSubject As String, _
ByVal mailServer As String, _
ByVal mailBody As String)
Dim mm As New System.Web.Mail.MailMessage
Dim Mail As System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail
mm.From = mailFrom
mm.To = mailTo
mm.Subject = mailSubject
mm.Body = mailBody
mm.BodyFormat = System.Web.Mail.MailFormat.Html
Mail.SmtpServer = mailServer
End Sub

I get this error:

System.Web.HttpException: could not access 'cdo.message' object.

but if I instead

"Mail.SmtpServer = mailServer"


"Mail.SmtpServer.Insert(0, mailServer)"

the program can run correctly.

Do you know why? Thanks in advance.

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