Send e-mails


Weaver 3

Still having same problem with Windows Mail- most of time clicking on send
all works fine. Other times nothing happens when I click Send all and
solution is to "restart" the computer and when I do and go back to the outbox
the e-mail has already been sent during the restart operation. Any solutions?


Would it be possible that you encountered such problems because you were
sending attachments at those times ?
If you have "large" attachment, it takes time to send, and it will stay in
the Out-box a lot longer.
I had one which took me 2 min. That's a long time.

Gary VanderMolen

That type of problem is usually caused by interference from a non-
compatible antivirus program. Which antivirus are you running?
As a minimum, email scanning in the antivirus must be turned off,
although that may not be sufficient to eliminate all bad effects.
In a worst case scenario, your antivirus may need to be uninstalled.

Email scanning in any antivirus must be disabled, for reasons
explained here:

If no improvement after disabling email scanning, consider upgrading
to Windows Live Mail, because it is less prone to suffering bad effects
from overly intrusive antivirus programs:

Weaver 3

The situation is not attributed to attachments. It appears to be a "lock up"
when I click on Send All. Thanks for your answer

Weaver 3

Gary, I use Panda Platinum Internet Security 2009. What I do not understand
is why the problem is not a 100 peercent one, after I restart the computerthe
function of sending works normally for a while and when I return to Windows
mail and try to send one the probability is that I have to restart to get the
mail out. Thaks

Gary VanderMolen

Interference from antivirus programs can take strange forms.
I stand by my previous recommendations.

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